Trezor App | Official stores

"Trezor App" available in official app stores such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Trezor hardware wallets primarily interface with desktop applications

As of my last update in January 2022, there isn't a standalone "Trezor App" available in official app stores such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Trezor hardware wallets primarily interface with desktop applications like Trezor Suite or directly with supported web interfaces.

However, you may find various third-party apps on app stores that claim to be related to Trezor or offer services related to cryptocurrency management. It's important to exercise caution when using third-party apps and ensure that you're downloading from reputable sources to avoid potential security risks, such as phishing attempts or malware.

For managing your Trezor hardware wallet, it's recommended to use the official Trezor Suite software, which is available for download on the official Trezor website ( Trezor Suite provides a secure and user-friendly interface for interacting with your Trezor device and managing your cryptocurrency assets.

If you encounter any apps claiming to be an official Trezor app on app stores, it's advisable to verify their legitimacy with Trezor directly before proceeding with installation.

Last updated